If the flight is canceled, you will receive a notification from us or from the airline.
Then you will need to send us a request for involuntary ticket exchange or for the involuntary refund - depends on your decision, fare rules and airline policy.
We will send you the options and you will need to confirm if you agree to them or not. This is important, because without your consent, no actions with the ticket will be performed.
After that, we will send the authorization request to the airline so that it can perform the exchange or refund.
How long does it take?
Our experts try to help everyone as quickly as possible, but sometimes, due to the increased number of requests, you`ll have to wait longer. Please do not worry - we will definitely respond to your request before the departure date.
The timing of the refund depends on the airline, unfortunately, we cannot influence it. The whole refund process can take up to three months, but sometimes it happens faster.
What if one flight from several is canceled?
When the flights with several transfers were purchased by one ticket, for example, London-Munich-Dubai, involuntary refund is permitted for all flights. If you bought two separate tickets London-Munich and Munich-Dubai, involuntary refund is permitted only for the canceled flight.
It is the same with roundtrip tickets. If they were bought not as one ticket for both outbound and inbound flights, then only the cancelled flight is eligible for involuntary refund.